Friday, October 03, 2008

No themes for Orkut outside India?

Weird that Orkut has no themes when viewed from office network. I am sure that Google thinks that the page is accessed from some place in US/EU and gives me the same, bland old Orkut theme when I access it from office. Pretty annoying when I expect to see my customized theme that is hardly readable normally. :(

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Very interesting ad

Watched a very interesting ad on TV from Max New York Life Insurance.

Loved the part when the kid goes "bfffft" when dad says "Czechoslovakia". I had to get that spell checked once... LOL. A couple of things to note in the ad - Dads are more demanding from their kids, and kids today are much more intelligent (assuming this kid is representative of the normal kid nowadays) than what I was. Guess evolution sorta balances stuff in the end.