Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Linked In metrics

Just looked at my linked in metrics and I see that I have appeared in search results 43 times in the last 90 days and there are 40 visits to my profile. My initial thought was that a 93% conversion from search results to profile views. However, looking at the data again, I realized that this is not a case of direct conversion. Of the 43 searches in which my profile appeared as a result, I am not sure of the ones where folks clicked on my profile. There are chances of folks who are already connected to me or 1/2 level of connections who have clicked on other links on the site and arrived at my profile. Now, I need to look at the referrer metrics if available for free accounts and figure out what the traffic sources are.

As an aside, I've thought about adding my linked in profile to the blog and realized that I'd like to keep my writing and professional work separate. It is the same person doing it. However, the motivations in both places are very different. Folks who want to connect both will just have to spend some more time looking for my resume. I figure that a lot of people are not going to be interested in making the connection in the first place. Surfers on the web suffer from a high level of ADD and that should lower the probability of people who are trying to make the connection even further (I was thinking of saying reduce the chance, but lower the probability just has a better 'ring' to it).

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